We believe the God of the Bible, is the only God, has revealed himself as Creator, Judge, Redeemer, and Father. God is infinite in power and wisdom, perfect in holiness, overflowing with love and grace. God is passionate about reconciling people to Himself, and He has an eternal plan to restore the universe that cannot be stopped by anyone or anything.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the divine Son of God, the Lord of the universe, and the only way to God. By His death and resurrection, Jesus delivers us from sin and death, He remains alive today as the leader of his Church, and He will one day return to judge the living and the dead. Jesus’ model of intimacy with the Father, obedience to His will, and sacrificial love for people provides the pattern for His followers to imitate.
Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is God’s personal presence in the world, the church, and individual believer. The Spirit seals followers of Jesus as part of the new creation, convicts the world of sin and unbelief, and empowers believers to experience, know, become like, and testify to Jesus. The Spirit empowers the church to wage war against the forces of evil.
The Holy Bible
We believe the Bible tells how God bring salvation to the whole world. As the inspired and authoritative written word of God, the Bible accurately reveals God’s nature, His character, and His pursuit of us, as well as our path to experiencing God, knowing Him, and becoming the people God created us to be.
Ekklesia, the Church
We believe that the Church is a community of Jesus’ disciples, called out from the world and blessed by God to be a blessing to others. As the body of Christ, the Church is where all different types of people come together in the name of Jesus. The Church lives together in community to love God, to love one another, and to continue Jesus’ mission in the world.
We believe the best way to change the world is to change our neighborhood. We believe our church should make a positive impact in the neighborhood in which we live.