We decree & declare the Lord has delivered our soul from death and our feet from falling. He has given His angels to encamp around us to deliver us. We decree that we are delivered and set free from the enemy’s every invisible and visible trap, plan, snare and net assigned to us. The Lord’s angels guard, protect and deliver us in the night season (Ps. 33:7, 116:8; Acts 12:6).
Angelic Undertakings
We decree & declare that successful divine, angelic undertakings, undergirdings, reinforcements and divine assistance be given to the righteous in every area of their lives, homes and ministries. We decree a hedge of divine protection surrounds us at all times, according to your Word in Psalm 103:20; angels now excel in strength to marshal and protect our persons, properties and possessions (2 Kings 6:17; Dan. 3:15-30; Acts 12:1-10).
Angels: Divine Ministers
We decree & declare angels are to minister on our behalf. They are released to fight for our defense; they are released to war against any spirit in the heavens assigned to block our prayers from being answered. We say angels of the Living God rise up and fight. (Mat. 4:11; Ps. 68:17; Acts 27:23; Dan.10:12-13).
Angelic Charge
We decree & declare that your angels have charge over us to deliver us from our enemies. They are fighting for us in the heavens against principalities and making crooked places straight that our way may prosper (Dan. 10:13; Ps. 91:11; Zech. 12:13).