…let us come before His presence with thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise (Ps. 100).
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker” (Ps. 95:6).
The definition of worship in Hebrew is “Shachah” meaning to prostrate, to bow or fall down in submission as to pay homage. Worship is not about how the presence of God falls on you nor is it about how wonderful you can sing or pray it’s not about impressing others. Worship is about our spirit connecting to the heart of God and hearing what He has to say. Worship is about being truthful and bowing in submission before God. “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23, 24).
The Father is seeking believers who will worship from their born-again spirit instead of an intellectual knowing. Intercession should begin with a heart filled with praise and thanksgiving. When we praise God, it leads us to a place of worship. According to the Americana International Encyclopedia, worship is defined as “giving honor to a divine God, to acknowledge Him worthiness.” It is words addressed to Him, either said or sung, to acknowledge His acts and greatness.
The Stirring of Worship
Worship is a stirring in your spirit where you begin to feel His presence and find yourself seated in the throne room of Heaven; a place where you are no longer concerned about your surroundings but basking in the Almighty’s presence.
- Worship is a conversation between you and God.
- Worship is the heart expression of love, praise and adoration to God and acknowledging his Lordship and supremacy.
- Worship is an act of worship, reverence, honor expressed to a Holy God.
- Worship is unashamed pouring out of our inner self unto your Lord.
- Worship is obedience. Worship is the ability to magnify God with your whole being, spirit, soul and body. True worship will always bring our heart closer to God.
Worship is the place where new songs, ideas, plans, vision, dreams and inventions are birthed. I call it dwelling in the secret place with God.
Worship and music calms trouble emotions, 2 Kings, Psalm 24:7 says, Lift up your hands, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. What are these gates? It’s the gates our heart, mind, will, soul and emotion. If we would lift off those ancient gates that barricade our hearts, the King of glory would come in and rest with us.
It’s sad to say, but we are living in a time where many are trying to worship the Father, without being connected to Him. God is a Spirit. No one is able to truly worship God in Spirit without being born of His Spirit. Jesus said, “…except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit” (John 3:4-6).
Jesus said that which is born of the flesh (human birth) will produce fleshly results. The flesh will never connect with the Spirit of God without being born anew, at best we’ll only produce fleshly worship exciting the emotions of man, but not producing any spiritual. Flesh and spirit is like trying to mix oil and water; no matter how you stir the two they will never come together. Jesus explained to Nicodemus, one must be born again in order to communicate with God. In the natural realm we communicate through our five senses—tasting, smelling, touching, seeing and hearing.
Therefore, in order to worship and fellowship with God a person must possess God’s nature. He is a Spirit (John 4:24). Your spirit must be born again before you can connect with God. How can you become born from above and enter into true worship? You must repent of your sins, confess and acknowledge that you are a sinner, ask for His forgiveness and then invite Him into your heart to live forever.